Meseret Mebrate top 5 fact


The domain of penance is in the genuine domain; The domain of giving and taking is in the conceivable and non -existent domain. Penance implies genuine facts and misfortunes. One cannot lose one what he does not really have. The commitment regularly implies inaction and potential misfortunes, which are continually rewarded in our brains.




The commitments are full of serious enthusiastic points of view and are more difficult to endure, since they include incomplete businesses that could modify the current circumstance. Penance manages genuine and substantial activities. Like different activities, their results can be positive or negative, but once finished, they are finished and tend not to transmit a great enthusiastic load.




We are usually vigorized by things that are inadequate, interrupted, inexplicable or questionable, since we see that they are unusual, so they request our consideration and contemplations. When the circumstance is established and established, there is no remotely good excuse for the psychological framework to be at the alarm and contribute more active. Romance, provocation, extramarital companies and cyberlove are stimulating, in the light of the fact that they seem to be as an incomplete business.




While committing, he renounces any trace of something that he needs and tells him the truth; While losing, he renounces any trace of something he really has. In this way, it is beneficial to think about the connection between commitment and penance with jealousy and desire.

Sample Category #2
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