Defense began to move towards Mekele


At the point where the BBC was so late offered a meeting with the young people supposedly found fighting for the revolutionaries, we recognize cautiously.




"He was playing football with colleagues when he was strongly selected by Tigrayan contenders to join his positions," a 17-year-old boy advised us from afar, a state that limits with Tigray.




The containment began in Tigray in northern Ethiopia in November, however, since then it was extended to the adjacent areas of Afar and Amhara, where the TPLF revolts from the end caught Lalibela, a city well known for its stone Sliced ​​chapels.




"I was taken by force at the head of the conflict," said another young man, who revealed us, he was in the year 10 at school in Tigray. "My family could not pronounce a word since they feared for their life."




A person over 19 years old said: "We do not prepare any tactical preparation, they took us a distance. They took measures to kill our family in case we do not join the battle."




The young people revealed to us that around 50 young youth and young people met near the capital of Tigray Mekelle and forced to fight, before being trapped by the provincial powers of Afar, which are unified for the national government.

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