Amhara region statement


Tadias Addis: A congratulations program to be ready for Honorable Dr. Craftsman Tedros Kassahun (Teddy Afro). All things considered, for what reason should African premises be fully exposed to the impulses of the capital of restriction infrastructure and its oligarchs in Cahoots with degenerated politicians to the assistance of polarizing globalization? We empowed to the few privileged presented and legitimate in case you really have some energy left in them, apart from the country remarkably rejected from its establishments and join the putative insurgencies that are currently at the exit.




Young people should start their own free research than I ferment, with the ultimate goal of diverting their energy to the critical change required! Change, continental or something else, needs both in the two preconditions, that is, think and fix. Without having these two established requirements, Africa will simply move from a darkened back street and then to the next.




The monetary difficulty can not be alleviated with a simple compliance with the ruling Diktat, built by current neoliberalism. Capital speculation, advanced by the heads of states of origin of the states of origin or by conditions of possession of corporations of the old nations of the Center, will not be maintained if without value and strengthening!




In addition, environmental change and other normal diseases (to say nothing with respect to those that will be more articulated in the coming years, promising an unhappy excursion and non-mitigated designation, require new standards of cultural playgrounds.

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