Helen Berhe is back with amazing talent


MFT is usually short-term therapy consisting of an average of 12 sessions focused on the solution. However, more sessions may be required depending on the nature and severity of the problem (s). As a couple or marriage counseling, the therapist will begin to meet with both partners and then spend some time with each individual. In family therapy, the therapist will also begin to meet with the whole family and then, if applicable, meet separately with individual family members. The first session is generally for the collection of information, so the therapist can learn about the problem that led him to therapy, you will get the thoughts of all those involved and observe the dynamics of a couple / family. At the same time, it must be able to obtain a clear sense of the role and therapist's competence, treatment goals and any "rule" that are observed inside and outside the sessions, such as who should attend what sessions and confidentiality of any shared information Among the partners or members of the family and the therapist. Over time, it will identify the individual family roles and behaviors that contribute to conflicts, identify specific challenges and explore the ways to solve problems actively.

Sample Category #1
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