News about Eritrea soldier


Central affairs on General Bacha's discourse must today. Fascinating news about the renaissance dam of Great Ethiopia (GERD). In fact, sports will be addressed by a huge number of agents. Ethiopia participates in swimming, cycling, taekwondo and sports in the Tokyo Olympic Games. The public group of Ethiopia Games has been planning until now, since eight months is not yet preparing. We have taken three preliminary races, including the titles of Ethiopia Games, Hengelo and Sebeta preliminary racing races.




We have chosen competitors who held in these three preliminary races for the Olympic Games dependent on their results. Even though we wanted to choose 38 competitors, we prevailed with respect to enlistment 35. Numerous competitors have been preparing and going through the interaction of detection over the past few months. The Covid-19 pandemic is still affecting our arrangements. However, apart from the hole with the Ethiopian Olympic Committee, mentors, experts, clinical staff as well as the main body of the Ethiopian Athletics Federation is reviewing the interaction of the base.




It passed that, all competitors are sounds, and they are released from Covid-19. In any case, if something happens to competitors, there are saved competitors that will supplant them. First, when a public group plans a competition, competitors are independent of their results. The competitors have been chosen after it was better for themselves by the mentors, experts and individuals of the leading counseling groups. Subsequently to the house at the inn, they are ready, as well as managed by mentors and different welfare experts.

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