Ethiopia-Russia Agreement


Eritrean and Ethiopian governments have recently rejected that Eritrean soldiers are engaged in the conflict.




In any case, the US Office announced last week that Eritrean soldiers were in Tigray and should go out quickly.




"Reliable reports" appeared from their inclusion in the denial of basic freedoms, including sexual vicity and looting, the state division said.




Mr. Debretsion has not appointed different nations supposed to be engaged with conflict. Somalia has recently rejected that its soldiers are fighting near Ethiopian powers in Tigray.




The TPLF had also recently asserted that the robots of the United Arab Emirates (water) were used to strike its powers. However, Ethiopia rejected that the state of the Gulf was associated with the conflict.




What was the response of public authority to slaughter affirmations?




A representative of Mr. Abiy, Billene Seyoum, told the BBC that it proved to be unable to "address the hallucinations of a Facebook page of an internal circle".




"With regard to the tasks of law and order, the criminal internal circle and their global intermediaries have been trigked to reorient the world consideration in [doing] unjustified cases of massacre, like November to conceal the dreadful violations of TPLF" , said Billene Seyoum.




The local area and the media should help public authority efforts to work to deal with the TPLF "rather than conceal for them," she added.

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