Zehabesha 4 Daily News March 30, 2022


Today, Bridget Fisher, 62, is a mate, mother of two, grandmother of three, low support sustain, ace grower, and cover club part. The gatekeeper also battled that his clients were introduced to COVID-19 at the prison they were held at, Adds ABBA police commission, third police base camp in Pasha, where there were asserted occasions of the contamination, and couldn't meet families and the protect bunch.


Right after checking out the different sides, the adjudicators have permitted the police 8 extra days to remand and research Twelve G/Taliban, Salem Video and the two drivers, and excused the accompanying hearing on July 28. The designated specialists moreover permitted the police 10 extra days to remand and research AtSite Alemayehu and excused the accompanying hearing on July 30.


Also, the adjudicators let the police know that the detainees should be allowed family appearances and meeting with their protect bunch, Adele said. AS

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