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The disagreement concerning the flock is essential for a long-standing quarrel among Egypt and Sudan, states downstream - from a point of view and ethiopia and residents upstream to the other admittance Nile, who are considered help for a lot of people living in Egypt and Sudan. Whatever the serious conflicts, however, Ethiopia continues to push in advance with the dam, conditions that the hydroelectric task will fully improve the vocations of the region all the more globally.




A long history of conflict and a change of dynamics of power




Despite the fact that the discussion on the distribution of the water of the Nile has long been existed, in particular that between Egypt and Ethiopia, covered throughout the development of the Blue Nile Dam in 2011. Ethiopia, of which The highways provide more than 85% of the water that has been arguing in the Nile River, for a long time claimed that it had the privilege of using its common assets to deal with a large extent and improve the expectations of daily comfort of his loved one. Despite the fact that Ethiopia claimed that the hydroelectric herd would not completely influence the progress of water in the Nile, Egypt, which depends on most of the Nile waters for family and commercial uses, considers. a significant danger. to its safety of the water.




In the long term, Egypt has used its vast strategic associations and pilgrims arrangements from 1929 and 1959 to effectively levy the development of any important framework project on Nile's feeders. As a result, Ethiopia did not have the opportunity to use the flow waters. Anyway, because of the ability and ability of Ethiopians at home and abroad to put resources in the Dam project, the public authority had the opportunity to raise a key bit of Money should start the development of the flock. Chinese banks gave funding to the acquisition of turbines and electrical equipment for hydroelectric plants.




The absence of a legal framework for the allocation of water




Despite the fact that Egypt has been fully affirmed that the 1959 arrangement between Egypt and Sudan is the lawful system for the designation of Nile, Ethiopia and other upstream residents reject this assertion. . The comprehension of 1959 provided all the waters of the Nile River in Egypt and Sudan, leaving 10 billion cubic meters (BCM) to flee and disappear, but managed the cost of lack of water in Ethiopia or others Riparian states upstream - the Belliers of much of the water that diffuses in the Nile. Perhaps significantly more remarkable is how this understanding has enabled Egypt Blackball Control on future Nile River projects.

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