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A conversation was held within the sight of City chairman Mrs. Adanech Abebe on the half year execution management report directed by the Success Party's administrative center in Addis Ababa.


Flourishing Party Administrative center in Addis Ababa Success Party Office and progressive designs zeroed in on the exhibition of party exercises for the a half year of the 2015 monetary year and a conversation was held by introducing the report of the discoveries of the oversight to the City Planning Council.


Chairman Mrs. Adanech Abebe, who expressed gratitude toward the individuals from the group for overseeing the political and corporate exercises of the city in the beyond a half year, said that the management will be powerful and will help us in our future work.


The head of public and outside relations at the administrative center of the Success Party, Mr. Nishwey Agega, made sense of about the reason for the management.


He added that remembering the three sub-urban communities for the city, two regions from each sub-urban communities were distinguished and upheld management was done in a way loaded with trustworthiness and equilibrium as well as showing qualities and shortcomings.

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