What happen in mekele


A program of infogentension on Sunday night with the meshesha of Asfaw EBS, Nafkot Tigistu, Mekdes Debesay and Tinseae Berhane. It incorporates different fragments that rely on the number of stories after the effective conversation. The program is connecting with which it keeps the vigilante just on the opposite side during the full three hours. It is a magazine design; Small updates of all the rage, appearance of visitors, wello, unregistered music, cooking and a little more.


 It is an expansive meaning of spaces and beautiful arts with an Orthodox Christian person that includes sacred places and its beauties, such as illuminated original copies and a range of articles (crosses, cups, pacts, symbols, etc.) that were used for ritual ( Public love), to learn, or that basically communicated the strict convictions of its owners. We can derive that from the thirteenth century, the masterpieces were generally delivered by individuals from the Ministry of Ethiopia.




The fine arts of Ethiopia can and should be contextualized within the verifiable turn of the events of the country. Researchers really differ in the most competent method to partition and group the advance of Christian Ethiopian crafts in orderly stages. In this article, the improvement of Ethiopian Christian workforce is separated in an integral manner into the eight time frames recorded below, however, it must be remembered that the dates of the previous periods are still discussed and we have an extremely restricted test before the Early Solomonic period

Sample Category #2
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