Colonel Getnet amazing speech


Abel Birhanou Daily Update of Ethiopian News on 21 July 2021 Amhara Territory and Land of Freedom. He stated that the association of fear-based repression introduced himself, while in any case only against the Amhara public, he said that the TPLF was trying to destroy the whole country.




"This intrusive way of speaking is a destructive tool the TPLF has used since its inception," Oromia Regional President Shemelis Abdisa referred to him. The state carried out tests on several occasions."




The Director General of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), Temesgen Tirune, called for concerted action to thwart the perceived danger of the TPLF's psychological oppression on Ethiopia. He encouraged the Ethiopian people to draw on the heroic spirit of their forefathers and great-grandparents and protect the country from the existential dangers that the psychologically militant TPLF brought to power.


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