
Everest Apparel Ethiopia, Industrial Parks Development Corporation, Hawassa Industrial Park, Ministry of Health and Others - Help Secure Social Insurance Workers and ensure that the framework continues to have the ability to treat everyone from Chance, that patients or others ".




Roger Yeh, President of the Textile Everest, also said "with the vision of moving the Ethiopian clothing producer industry on the world stage, Everest has led the development as a global market of the clothing brand of life for the nation.




I accept that the chains graciously change all around and that Ethiopia will turn into an important center around the world for the assembly of the outfit. We are satisfied with coordinating with TDB in the battle against the pandemic in Ethiopia and anticipating the extra commitment with the bank. "




Counting during the pandemic, the TDB continues to support Ethiopian imports of essential elements, for example wheat and smokers, in order to ensure that the nation continues to improve levels of effectiveness in agri-food, support companies And to guarantee food security, this is very gradually basic now, like huge banks of global journalists draw African markets.

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