The Synod made an urgent statement


The ongoing conflicts, particularly in the Tigray region, have resulted in a humanitarian emergency, displacing thousands of people and causing immense suffering. Reports of human rights abuses, violence, and the impact on civilians, including women and children, have raised global alarm. The situation calls for urgent attention and concerted efforts from the international community to address the root causes and seek sustainable solutions for peace and stability.

Beyond the conflict, Ethiopia faces other challenges such as economic disparities, access to education and healthcare, and the need for sustainable development. The concerns about the political and social fabric of the country highlight the importance of fostering inclusive dialogue, reconciliation, and cooperation among all stakeholders.

It is crucial for concerned individuals and the international community to advocate for a peaceful resolution, respect for human rights, and the provision of humanitarian assistance to those in need. Additionally, supporting efforts that promote unity, understanding, and collaboration among Ethiopia's diverse communities is essential for the country's long-term stability and prosperity.

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