Ethiopia News Fano Tewodros Yalew


This leaned toward month of Maskaram is the first of the float of the extensive stretches of Egypt and


Ethiopia. The [first] day and the evening of this current month are same - twelve hours. By then the


day during this month Mascara reduced considering the way that this month is the first of the float of


the significant length of Egypt and Ethiopia. By and by it is meet that we should make in that a remarkable function


in all prudence, since this day is holy and leaned toward, and we ought to oust ourselves from


slippery works. Additionally, we should begin [to do] altruistic demonstrations and new, by which God is fulfilled,


without a doubt, even as Paul the observer saith: "Notice, each work is made new in Christ. Custom holds that Ethiopia was first converted by St. Matthew and St. Bartholomew in the principal century CE, and the essential Ethiopian devotee is thought to have been the eunuch in Jerusalem referred to in The Acts of the Apostles (8:27–40). Ethiopia was also Christianized in the fourth century CE by two men (logical kin)

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