News from Raya


The conversation, which is important for normal discussions, in addition to strengthening the model links between Ethiopia and Djibouti, focused on the streets and the network of railway routes, the activities of the DemerjoG industrial development area.


The fulfillment of the works so far to embrace the development of the 80 km of the street between Dikil and Dagoru that has been approved among the Government Construction Works Corporations and the Port Djibouti Runner Highway, the different sides have required a Closer follow-up to finish the much anticipated company. Within a period of sensitive time.


During the talks, in addition, they have noticed the need to facilitate continuous efforts to send vital articles such as the oil of the two sides to guarantee the competent and viable travel of the oil burden between the two nations.


Taking into account the guarantee of the competent and viable activity of the coordinations throughout the passage, it was aware that it is essential to deal with each other the timely transport systems of the ports of the ports of Djibouti to Ethiopia. The designation of Ethiopia's International Safe Haven has also visited the building locations of the Djibouti Demerjog Industrial Development Park project.

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