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In this part, our goal is to identify how the elements presented previously (Figure 1.) can be achieved successfully from the teacher's point of view. We approached this goal by describing the success factors at different levels: a) Individual teacher level, b) Teacher collaboration and level of teamwork and c) Level of organization and leadership.


a) Success factors at the level of individual teacher.


Changing your pedagogical practices as a teacher can be demanding. Moving towards the culture of the construction of collaborative knowledge (LONKA 2015) means that you should be able to design learning processes in a new way. The growth mentality of a teacher, instead of the fixed, could help him, as he needs to question his traditional practices and create new requests on how to work on competition-based study modules, and how to use new digital tools in orientation and evaluation. The experience of teachers with digital applications and to make their transparent skills in Eportfolio could help a lot, when trying to inspire students. If teachers comprise the ethphali benefits in a broader professional context, and they know different ways of building it, they will feel more comfortable in their orientation work and can be an example for their students.


As teachers understand the evaluation as part of competition-based education, it really matters (Baartman, Bastiaens, Kirschner, & Van der Vleuten 2007, Tillema, Kessels and Meijers 2000). In order to be successful in the use of eportecolios, teachers should see the evaluation and guidance as an activity integrated in the implementation of the study modules when supporting the development of students' competencies. The evaluation is not only the evaluation of learning, but also the evaluation of learning, sometimes called as food forward (Wimshurst & Manning 2013). With regard to the importance of reflection in learning (for example, Cowan & Peacock 2017), the evaluation can also be considered as a learning assessment, highlighting the indisputable importance of training as a continuous process that improves learning students Self-regulated (Clark 2012). In addition, it is crucial that teachers understand the central role of students participating in the evaluation, as self-and colleagues advisors. According to previous research related to the successful implementation of competition-based study modules, teachers must give space for the ideas of students, which, in turn, can strengthen student ownership for their own learning (Kunnari, Ilomäki and Toom, 2018). Teachers must assess the creativity of students and should realize that competencies can be demonstrated in several ways. In addition, the evaluation of competences in higher education is not restricted to the school environment, but should happen in real-life contexts. Teachers play an essential role in facilitating students to go beyond school and build their professional networks at the same time they build their eportecolios.

Sample Category #1
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