Zehabesha 3 breaking news


Ethiopia was the setting up person from the OAU, at this point it was its center. The organization of Haile Selassie's organization to the creation of the affiliation has left an enduring legacy.


Ethiopia's foe of traveler triumphs are the bedrock of the affiliation's building up norms.


In this way, Ethiopia has an extraordinary spot in the AU. The country is the affiliation's heartbeat, embedded in the Union's total psyche.


It has all the earmarks of being the AU and its part states stress over the worry of history. They dare not struggle with the Ethiopian government. One model is the power explanation on the contention from the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, leaning toward the Ethiopian government's position.


The scourge of geography


The AU, following 58 years of stay in Addis Abeba, is both an achievement and a point of convergence of the city's hurricane of optional activities.


The affiliation has a remarkable relationship with the Ethiopian government. The AUC staff individuals and the negotiators are more than associates with their accomplices from Ethiopia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They constantly mix, consistently wheeling and dealing at blended beverages and get-togethers.


Likewise, the AU's closeness to the entries of power in Addis Abeba is the major limitation on its ability to affect its host. The result is that the contention in Tigray seeks a calm treatment.


Possibly one appearance of how topography is huge relates to the decision by the AU's Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights to test into the alleged encroachment of overall fundamental opportunities law and worldwide supportive law.

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