
I'm totally fine, I've finished my album," vocalist Gedyon


In the heart of the ancient forest, where sunlight filters through the canopy of emerald leaves and dappled shadows dance on the forest floor, there exists a hidden realm of enchantment. Here, among the towering trees and winding paths, nature holds court in all its splendor, inviting wanderers to lose themselves in its timeless embrace. The air is alive with the symphony of the forest, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the melodic trill of birdsong blending harmoniously with the distant murmur of a babbling brook. Moss-covered rocks and fallen logs serve as nature's throne, while delicate wildflowers carpet the ground in a riot of color and fragrance. In this tranquil sanctuary, time seems to stand still, allowing visitors to immerse themselves fully in the beauty and wonder of the natural world. It is a place of healing and renewal, where the cares of the world fade away, and the soul finds solace in the embrace of Mother Earth.

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