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The problems of the belly due to an excess, stress or an unpleasant insect can attack at a given moment. It is uncomfortable uncomfortable enough to treat the problems of the intestine, but it was thrown into the nearest bathroom every few hours (okay, sometimes, even minutes!) It can be annoying, if it is not frankly embarrassing.


As a general rule, it is better to continue with soft foods when your digestive system is deactivated, says Jaclyn London, director of nutrition at the good cleaning institute. Most people know how to stay away from triggers such as dairy products, sugar, fatty and alcohol, but synthetic sugars found in ultralibrate food (often end with "-ol", such as sorbitol and xylitol, too They can spell problems.


"Bananas are excellent because they are easy to digest and be considered non-irritating to the stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract," says Julie Upton, M.S., R.D., co-founder of appetite for health. The high fiber fruit not only maintains the regular system and AIDS in the recovery of diarrhea, but vitamin B6 also reduces swelling caused by fluid retention and magnesium helps relax muscles.


While it may seem counterintuitive, keep your belly empty when you feel dizzy you can create more nausea because there is nothing in the system to absorb stomach acid. Upton suggests nibbling the white toast or soda cookies every few hours, since the starches of these simple carbohydrates "lack fiber, protein and fat, all of the slow digestion and sit on their stomach." The final result: Stool with a little extra volume.


Upton's two main options belong to the Brat diet (bananas, rice, apples and dry toast), "the clinical diet plan recorded dietitians that dietitians are used when patients have acute diarrhea or nausea."

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