
Zehabesha 4 Daily News March 17, 2022


Positive opportunities, such as those characterized by Isaiah Berlin, life as shown by your own quality and limitations that you take themselves to live according to your reality. This is rather than the idea of ​​negative freedom, which alludes to the lack of requirements when you are allowed to do whatever you want, without anyone guiding you or not doing it.








Play is an ointment of life. Play giving euphoria and the importance of everything we do. Playing uses our full cerebral limits and movements towards our body that we are not in resilience mode. In play, we are less flexible and ready to assume responsibility for our dynamic and innovative work through clashes.




Own country




This idea identifies with various parts that we have overall within ourselves. The more things ourselves we bring to a relationship, are increasingly being expressed with our accomplices will meet the experience. This will bring a more full, more important and more wasteful relationship.








The shadow discusses every part of you that you believe negatively and therefore deny, move away, or continue. For example disturbances, addicted, weakness, advice, and your assessment. By expressing your shadow, you also help by improving your own disgrace, because the drug for embarrassing is an association. I have extended this point in my post, if you really want to feel loved, show your shadow!




Law of innovative restrictions (McKee)




It may seem strange, but we are more imaginative when we have limits, because we are forced to think more transparent, central, and lib advertising when there are less imaginable results.




At the point when you focus on the accomplice, you take your own requirements and subsequent impediments that include imperative monetary, enthusiastic, sexual, calculated, social and moral.




While these limitations can make you not do whatever you want at whatever point you need, (for example, fly on second notifications to Spain), they can also empower you to look deep into routine ideas to find secret jewelry to find Day by day. These obstacles (positive opportunities) require that you are far more open, precise, not restricted, improvised, and cheerful.




In intentional medicine, relationships are examples stored by two legs above the long term. This fundamental round point of view gives two full office players and the obligation of the truth of the relationship. You can read more about the methodical nature and change connections in it here.




Many individuals and couples are afraid to put themselves out there fully in their connection because they worry about their hands they don't like what is found. So they finally stepped on lightly because they collaborated with a little credibility, opportunity, or impression.

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