Ethio Media Daily Ethiopian news


The Amehara area of ​​Ethiopia on Sunday was approached "all young people" to rid the war against the powers of the next district of Tigray, who professiona has taken over a city in Amhara, curiously since the containment began.


"I approach all young people, the civil army, the non-local army in the area, equipped with any weapon of administration, furnished with individual weapons, to join the war mission of the War of TPLF (Tigray People's Liberation) from Tomorrow, "Teshager, leader Agegnehu. The territorial government of Amhara, was quoted by saying by state media of the district.


The call to the mass assembly was as a representative for the Liberation Front of the popular Tigray, the meeting that Tigray controls, said they had taken the city of Adi Arkay in Amhara.


The representative, Getachew Reda, told Reuters in an instant message that TPLF had assumed that control over the city still did not offer more details.


Martha Abebaw, an Adi Arkay inhabitant, released Reuters that she had left on Friday. Without more time a little time later, she heard that Tigrayan Powers had taken the city and she had not been able to reach any of her family from that moment, she said. All vehicles to the city had stopped, she said.


"I'm calling you all relentlessly. My mother's phone spent once before today and a man with a strange voice picked up the phone and revealed me, I can not talk to her," she said to Reuters.


Representatives for the leader, Ethiopian military and workforce of the administration in Tigray and did not return calls to the search for comments. The representative of Amhara Locale said he was not approved to comment on the matter.

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