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Fana Broadcasting Enterprise and Man-made brainpower Foundation marked a reminder of understanding to empower them to cooperate.


Addis Ababa, December 29 , 2022 Fana Broadcasting Organization and Ethiopian Computerized reasoning Establishment marked an update of seeing today that will empower them to take care of together on different key problems.


The understanding was endorsed by the Chief of Fana Broadcasting Organization, Admasu Damtue, and the Chief General of the Ethiopian Computerized reasoning Foundation, Worku Gachna.


It was brought up at the consenting to service that the arrangement endorsed by the two foundations will assist in the assortment and the board of data with the assistance of innovation.


The chief general of the organization, Warku Gachna, said that the understanding will assist the young with innovation to assist the establishment's endeavors with taking care of issues through the media.


Fana is the biggest establishment in the media business, the chief said, and the understanding will permit the organization to refresh its activities utilizing the advances it has enhanced.


He brought up that the youthful age will actually want to connect through Fana to empower them to find out about man-made brainpower and make shrewd innovation.


The CEO of Fana Broadcasting Company, Admasu Damtyu, on his part, referenced that the Ethiopian Man-made brainpower Foundation has been giving different help to Fana and said thanks to him.


He said that it means quite a bit to work with establishments, for example, Ethiopian Computerized reasoning to make a skillful resident who is created with data and to make crafted by the media foundation successful.


He said that the present understanding is a chance to control the spread of bogus data, which has turned into a test in this data and computerized age, to modernize media rehearses and to stay serious overall.

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