
General Birhanu Jula's Speech


Ethiopia: the most spoken Ethiopiae music of Rahel Getu. The organization said that after more than 10 years of research work, an application was presented in close discourse with the Ministry of Mines and Oil. Akobo added that continuous effective penetration and a high-grade mineral asset of Segee maintains his opinion that mining will be a significant and fundamental part of the organization's future.




Minister of Minas Takele Uma said: "We are helping Minerals of Mining / Akobo Etno to resolve mining permit from now on, the main seven-day section of the Ethiopian New Year. Etno mining has worked constantly from the beginning of your research exercises. "




The excavation permit region requested to cover a huge piece of the current research permit. A huge mining permit is normally granted for an underlying time of 20 years, then, at that time, at that time, 10 years, Akobo clarified in the assertion of him.




The organization said that with the award of the mining permit, it will obtain an activity objected for the next 20 years and the opportunity to proceed with the research function, since the arrangements for mining tasks begins.

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