Oily face treatment in Amharic


Although slippery skin can obstruct pores and lead to expanded skin outbreaks, elegant skin also has many advantages. Oil helps save the skin, and people with elegant skin, in general, will have thicker skin and less twist. The key is to find some type of harmony between having an excess of oil and keeping up with the regular humidity of your skin.




To help control with elegant cleaning, dermatologists suggest the councils that accompany it:




Clean every day, night and after exercising. While washes, oppose the impulse to clean your skin, even to eliminate cosmetics. Cleaning aggravates your skin, which can exacerbate it.




Choose healthy skin items called "without oil" and "not comedogenic". This implies that the elements that have these names, including chemicals, lotions and cosmetics, will not obstruct their pores or cause the breakdown of the skin.




Use a delicate and foamy face wash. Many people accept that they need to use a solid face washing so that the slippery skin dries their skin. In any case, use a facial washing that is too brutal can alter your skin and activate the creation of expanded oil. After all, look for a soft and delicate face wash.




Try not to use oil or liquor -based cleaning agents. These can disturb your skin.




Matter Lotion day by day. Despite the fact that you have slippery skin, apply cream to keep your skin hydrated. To save time and protect your skin from the shine shit beams of the sun, look for a cream that also contains a wide range of rank with a 30 or more SPF.

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