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The event of many, minuscule, smooth, firm, dark or dull earthy colored papules on the face and neck is depicted as dermatosis papulosa nigra.


Who is beset with dermatosis papulosa nigra?


Dermatosis papulosa nigra is a regular skin condition in minorities who have Fitzpatrick skin phototypes 4, 5, or 6. It influences up to 35% of African-Americans. African Americans having a more attractive appearance have a lower rate. The specific recurrence of Dermatosis papulosa nigra in darker looking Asians and Polynesians is obscure. Females are almost certain than guys to be impacted.


Dermatosis papulosa nigra is a sort of young adult dermatosis. With age, the recurrence, number, and size of sores increment.


The reason for dermatosis papulosa nigra is obscure.


Dermatosis papulosa nigra papules are like minuscule seborrhoeic keratoses.


With 40-50 percent of patients having a family background of dermatosis papulosa nigra, it is accepted to not entirely set in stone. It's believed to be brought about by a naevoid hair follicle formative imperfection.

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