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The conversation over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan completed on Monday around evening time yet with no agreement.


It has been in the works for eleven days, and eleven observers have gone to it including the African Union. Mediators from the three countries are going after a report to be submitted to the African Union and their singular heads.


Ethiopia's Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Seleshi Bekele, has confirmed the news in a twitter message.


"The three sided plan on GERD that was happening all through the past 11 days inside seeing 11 onlookers and augumented experts completed the past evening. Notwithstanding the way that there were progresses no headway deal is made. Today we prepare reports to AU and our specific heads… "


What is the accompanying stage?


According to Seleshi Bekele, the three countries will get back to trade again after the African Union assessed the reports by the three countries.


He expressed, "The course of action is needed to continue, after the review by the President of AU, AU Bureau people and the Leaders of the three countries, according to their headings."


Egypt has been endeavoring to compel a trailblazer period Nile water anticipate Ethiopia with no accomplishment.


The last kept up the place that conversation is about the filling and action of GERD, not with regards to water assignment from the Nile water.


For Ethiopia, it is an issue that needs a simultaneousness with all Nile riparian countries.


Ethiopia's use of water from the Nile stream has been zero percent while 85% of the Nile water starts from Ethiopian great nations.

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