TPLF began to squander wealth and possessions


The move for the kickoff of another corridor under the appearance of the transmission of aid to Tigray is inadmissible, said Miku Kassa, Commissioner of the National Disaster Risk Commission. The central government, in a narrow joint effort with the territorial state of AFAR, has transmitted the assistance to individuals from Tigray, said the Commissioner.




Aid transportation means were influenced by 170 Tigray trucks with fabric obstructed by the oppressor of fear TPLF, which currently complements aggression on the local states of Amhara and Afar, rejecting the choice of unilateral truce. National government, he said.




Some Western nations and their organizations mentioned the kickoff of the passage of help to Tigray to Sudan, which is not convincy, the Commissioner expressed. The National Disaster Risk Commission (NDRMC) rejected a move from Western nations and their institutions to launch another guidance corridor in the Occidental Tigray.




The conversation between the different sides presented the Hazardous exercises of the TPLF Group, the problems of normal concern on the Horn of Africa, as are the circumstances relating to GERD. The ambassador introduced briefings on the Ethiopian government exercises with regard to philanthropic aid for Tigray local and clarified the crazy demonstrations of the TPLF junta which discouraged a compassionate guide making a Beeline for the region.

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