Zehabesha 4 Daily News March 19, 2022


Through the main part of the 12th century, the focal point of the strength of the Christian kingdom had moved considerably more to the south, in the last area (a significant architectural area in North focal Ethiopia). Since its Adela capital, individuals of the Age Tradition (from whom this period takes its name), was administered on a domain that spread from a large amount of Eritrea to Ethiopia del Norte and Focal. While there is a restricted test on its capital, the temples of Lalibela-to a city that takes its name from the Sage Rule accredited with its establishment, which follow as a demonstration of the creative achievements of this period.




Lalibela incorporates twelve structures aimed at love that, along with an organization of rooms and connection chambers, are fully cut or "cut" without stone. The habit of reducing the holy places outside the rock, verified effectively in the past periods, is carried here at an unheard of level. The houses of worship, some of which are unleashed, such as Beta Giorgis (Church of St. George, image at the top of the page), have more more complex facades and all characterized. They incorporate structural components awakened by structures from the Suites period. In addition, some, such as Pete Maryam, highlight the dazzling interior designs (above), which are also cut from the stone, as well as artistic creations dividories. The interior of the places of the worship mixture assumes components with subsequent components of the Coptic-Arab deduction. In Bet Maryam, for example, the components of the building, for example, the cut capitals and the contours of the window, the mirror suite models (see below), while the canvases can measure up to those in the archaic monastery of ST . Antonio in the Red Sea.

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