Mesay Mekonnen revealed secret


Ethiopian news update of Ethiopians day by day July 29, 2021. The dissidents recited, "Stopping the presentation against the people of the displaced people of Eritrea", the global-local area needs to hear us: "We are looking, not legislators! " The exiles were specifically approached to the local area around the world to protect their kind eriters from mistreatment they have been looking at Tigray.




Likewise, they were responsible for their progress and messages to the global-local zone and the international organization of the UN for migration remain unnoticed, regardless of whether they genuinely gather the composite joints to stakeholders. According to displaced persons, the circumstance of the exiles in Tigray has been deteriorating from time to time, since they are currently killed in the forest as they escape their asylums.




The disabled, young people and the old party in the show. The displaced people of Eritrea who live in Addis Ababa organize fights today against the infringement and the assets executed at the local Tigray against the Exils.




The displaced celebrated the presentation before the UN International Organization for the Migration Office in the Capital City.

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