Artists who give birth before they get married


Seifu on EBS - The youthful craftsman Bruk Dejene's desire materialized, and he tracked down his dad. Being grateful for anything they have, as little as that might be, has turned into a kind of culture, a propensity. As a matter of fact, one would even feel remorseful in the event that they don't articulate the word, in the wake of saying something about the nature of their life. They wouldn't even come close to testing God, or question God.


They acknowledge energetically anything that has been given to them and many would even add the sentence "Yihenenem Yata Sint Ale," close to the word 'Temesgen'. Signifying "there are numerous who don't for even a moment have the little that I have, so I ought to be grateful."


However, is our gratefulness restricting us from asking more, requesting what we merit, requesting what is our right? Is it safe to say that we are setting the bar excessively low with our gratefulness? One of the vital things to joy is to be grateful. In any case, doesn't unreasonable gratefulness prompt a less than ideal personal satisfaction?


I'm grateful myself, so don't misunderstand me. As a matter of fact, I am exceptionally grateful for every single seemingly insignificant detail that I have and I am even appreciative for my gratefulness. However, some of the time, I dread that being happy with the little that we have may restrict us, or limit us from accomplishing improved results.

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