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News in Ethiopia - Getachew Reda, TPLF, Debretsion Gebremichael. As noted by it, US investigators who are competent from the United States, African relations are thwarted by the treatment of American Ethiopia of the State. During the initial half-year of the Biden Presidency, we found an emotional reversal of US support for Ethiopia, a long-standing partner of the Horn of Africa, he called attention.




Taking note that Ethiopia has been a territorial leader with its strong monetary vision of working on the existence of its 110 million individuals, the examiner stated that Ethiopia has completed two important achievements under the initiative of the initiative. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in June and July. "For starters, the nation has effectively accomplished the general races of June 21, and the second time, it finished the second round of the Renaissance Dam Grand Ethiopian (Gerd)", expressed Sawrence Freeman.




Deplorable, there was no vigorous congratulation of President Biden for either fulfillment, he discovered. He pointed out "surprising for decisions in Africa, not a person transmitted in the democratic interactions of Ethiopia. Interestingly, a few Americans launched the bucket on sixth January, wild dissent of the US named vote."

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