General abebaw speech


Preparation of the press, the press secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister. Bilene stated that the militant psychological gathering is disturbing individuals without guilty in the areas of Amhara and AFAR and Tigray to add that it also held erythrean evacues in the local prisoner. TPLF killed regular Tigrayan people in the region that he thought favorable to the government, she added.




At the last hearing, the Court asked the prison to organize the four respondents at the current hearing. Respondents, in a letter sent by their legal counsel, referred to the execution of detainees, abuse of inmates in confinement and extrajudicial murders in various parts of the nation and expressed their preference not to go to consultation. until justice is regulated. The conference that should be settled over the Hearing of Witnesses Against Platforms has been recorded in May, the four respondents have not made themselves during its hearings since May 26, 2021. The Court rejected objections. Expanders clarifying that such erroneous behaviors in the capital framework were not obvious at this meeting.




The Court referred to in Article 20 of the Ethiopian Constitution and specified that the four litigants who refused to appear at the Conference will be considered to be refused impatiently their privileges to protect themselves and have chosen in this manner of completing the consultation. their non-assistance.




The Court rejected the examiner's interest so that the respondents were obliged to go to the Conference and gave an elective arrangement as of August 6, 2021.

Sample Category #1
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