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The digital portfolio has been recognized as many benefits to make the learning process transparent and empowered students to build their own professional growth after their personal interests. In Hamk, working with an ephortfolio must be embedded in the implementation of competition-based study modules. However, its function is not only to work in the evaluation of specific competences in the study modules, but also works in a broader perspective as a tool to support the professional growth of students. In that sense, EPORTHOLIOS works as a tool to build the personal professional identity of students throughout the time of study and beyond.


This transition from professional growth to professional life is implicit in the following diagram (Figure 1.). It illustrates how students and teachers can use EPortfolio in their professional development as a learning space and create their exhibitions step by step (see Barrett 2010). The ultimate goal is to empower students who continue using eportecolios in their lifelong learning and professional life. We want to clarify, according to our experiences in development and according to the discussions with teachers, which is important for students and what teachers teams should be aware and care.

Sample Category #1
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