Derartu Tulu message


Some Africans in the diaspora established a religious and political tradition considered etypianism. The defenders of this movement, which represents the panievanism, were appropriated from the symbol of Ethiopia to free themselves from oppression. Ethiopia was a separate black nation with an old Christian church that was not a colonial biproduct. Marcus Garvey talked about seeing God through the Ethiopia shows and often cited Psalm 68:31 ", Ethiopia will stretch his hands to God." From the teachings of Garvey, the Rastafarian movement emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s. The name "Rastafari" is derived from Emperor Haile Selassie, whose name of precoronation was Ras Tafari Makonnen. "Ras" is at the same time a princely and military degree that means "head" in amharic. There is a population of Rastafarians who live in the city of Shashamane, which was part of a land grant granted to the World Federation of Ethiopia by Emperor Haile Sessie in exchange for support during the Italian occupation during World War II.

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