Tplf secret revealed


Assistant Professor of the Addis Ababa University, Samuel Tefera was revealed to ERGE's second filling round will change all the pattern of the continuous arrangement of three sides in the prey.


"The reservoir of the prey in July would completely change the norm of the three-dimensional agreement and would take more developed and reasonable plans to the table instead of the contention and disinformation saw now," he said.


The discussions "would be a lot about how to direct the water over the years to the downstream nations, especially Sudan and Egypt, as well as soil protection exercises and water so that the prey can maintain the tremendous volume of Water, stay away from the misfortunes of dissipation and anything. That has to do with a use of water supported between the three nations, "Samuel explained.


It should be reviewed that Ethiopia from the afternoons reported that the second round of filling the prey will end according to the calendar this stormy season. When the filling is finished, the three faces conversations are zero in the most feasible use of water assets, the teacher added.

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