Ethio Media Daily Ethiopian news


Update of Ethiopian news of Zehabesha on the current numbers of September 12, 2021. Initiative named MultistakeUtakeder for the national dialogue (mind), the reader was sent in August 2020, by eight associations drawn from Community social orders, the authority public and ideological groups. So far, more than 44 million people spoke at different levels to accumulate themes for fundamental public exchange.




In the previous year, the mind holds exchanges at different levels with different agents of the global population, including ideological groups, people near local people, media partners, students in history and public authority.




"This should not be an exchange for the elites in particular. Individuals should participate in the speech by distinguishing topics that apply to their particular advantages", Negusu Akluilu, one of Clarified Ethiopia lovers. As a result, people from the group of people at different levels have distinguished different important points for them, and some management issues mentioned in the process have been settled on site, said NEGUSU.




Victories compared to the previous year, according to Negusu, incorporate the ID of speech plans just like the mystery of conversations held. The Ministers Group and the Technical Working Group were also resolved by political missions and associations working in Ethiopia.

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