Zehabesha Interview with Worku Aytenew


Temesgen Tiruneh obtained a gold honor from PM Abiy Ahmed. Currently, 20 banks are under development, another four are hanging adjusted for the NBE backrest. The new principle presented by the NBE denotes the finish of the large part of a billions of BIRR, less established in the need for capital that has been established for more than 10 years.


With the exception of Amhara Bank, which has gathered six billion BIRRs, capital was established that precedes its general meeting, virtually all new participants have sold offers worth less than a billion BIR.


"The order, which is currently affirmed and is given, requires five billion BIRR to solve the money to build a bank. The exchange period is five years for existing authorized banks and 7 years for banks in accordance with the Battle that have a general meeting, "Frazer Ayalew, Director of Banking Supervision in the NBE, disclosed to the reporter.


Experts in the industry invited the Bank's election, with the importance of expanding funding to keep the monetary expenses of banking emergencies away and empower banks to stay dissolved.

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