Eskinder nege was arrested


The Front of the Liberation of Tigray People (TPF) is in the nucleus of a creepy progressive struggle with the central legislature of Ethiopia.




The TLF was established in the local part of Tigray-dominant of Ethiopia during the 1970s, as one of the many renegade meetings fighting for the independence of the magnificent Ethiopia Norm. The group of Tigray people, then was underestimated by the medieval frame. After the military rocker of the real government, the front, similar to other people, fought against the recently established socialist military government.




In route, the PLF built its intricate philosophy, consolidating ultra-patriotism and ethnic pride with a feeling of exploitation, particularly coordinated in the world class of medieval adhara and socialists. It proliferates the problematic thinking of "United States against them", which Tigray's audience is surrounded by enemies and only PLF can guarantee its guarantee and resistance.




After the meeting came to be controlled in 1991 within the Alliance of the Revolutionary Democratic Front of the Ethiopian People (ERDF), this threatening story did not disappear and, in fact, took a considerably more extensive title. The regional state of Tigray was under the control of the PLF, which allowed the meeting to advance its hurtful philosophy among the entire Tigray population of Ethiopia without being disturbed.




The PLF also assumed the responsibility of the focal point of force in Addis Ababa, when his head, Miles Denali, became the leader of Ethiopia in 1991, remaining in power until his approval in 2012. It was under his initiative that the ERDF He propagated the deceptive thought that the Ethiopian population composed of ethnic meetings with hostile contrasts, denying the truth that Ethiopian culture is a multi-ethnic, united to the links of exchange, exchange, religion and culture.




As this disruptive story advances, the ERDF seemed to be presented as the rescuer and underrodent of ethnic harmony in Ethiopia, which would slide into the fight and confusion without its administration. The state media expressed regularly and surprisingly expressed that it is "ERDF or exchange", alluding to the Hutu paramilitary association that presented the destruction in Rwanda. It was meant to remember the public that this could happen in Ethiopia and "the possibility of self-destruction" was genuine if individuals somehow happened to request their privileges and opportunities.

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