
"Only my father was present at my wedding"


Making peace is not simple. It is not just "maintaining peace" or keeping your mouth closed to stay out of the conflict. Instead, it is a condition of being useful and purpose that requires that you make reflexive and occasionally challenging decisions about the direction of your relationship. Strength and resolution are needed to seek and develop peace. The marriage conflict can be difficult to solve; As a result, many couples discover that unresolved problems and wounds gradually accumulate over time. This often results in resentment and more frequent arguments. One way to deal with this problem is to work consciously to achieve peace in their marriage identifying and dealing with their problems. It doesn't matter if your spouse made the same mistake as you; What matters is if he is willing to assume responsibility for his actions by apologizing first. If you need to apologize to your spouse, do it now instead of waiting for you to approach you. If your partner has been retaining, this will give you the opportunity to respond in kind. It can only cause wounds to know and worsen over time if you try to escape responsibility for the bad choices you make or cruel that you tell your spouse. It is better to bite the bullet and say that he made a mistake, despite the fact that he may not want to recognize any failure. If you are willing to own your part when you apologize, your partner will be more inclined to forgive it before.

Sample Category #2
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