
Friyat, sitting in the house has made me fat, don't mention about my age.


In the enchanting embrace of a golden dawn, nature awakens with a symphony of colors, casting its radiant glow across the landscape. The first tendrils of daylight gracefully touch the earth, igniting a cascade of hues that dance upon the leaves and meadows. As the morning sun ascends, its warm tendrils delicately caress every blade of grass, turning dewdrops into glistening diamonds. The world, bathed in the soft palette of dawn, seems to come alive with a quiet energy—a celebration of a new day. The play of light and shadow weaves an intricate tapestry on the canvas of existence, revealing the intricate details of a world that often goes unnoticed in the hustle of daily life.

Amidst this celestial performance, the sunlight becomes a masterful painter, creating chiaroscuro patterns that accentuate the contours of mountains, trees, and the gentle curves of a meandering stream. Each ray of light carries the promise of warmth, touching every living thing with a tender embrace. The air, crisp and infused with the scent of awakening flora, becomes a medium through which the sun's radiant energy orchestrates a harmonious overture.

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