Mekdes Tsegaye talked about her love partner


Seifu on EBS interview with the well known Ethiopian craftsman Esubalew Yetayew. Esubalew Yitayew (Yeshi), not many of a special case among Ethiopians in taking up his mom's name to respect her, is one of the well known entertainers right now besting the arrangements of numerous Ethiopian music sweethearts.


Winning the hearts of the crowd with a solitary melody named 'Horse Mare' [literally deciphered as Honey], delivered two years prior, the 25-year old vocalist and lyricist as of late delivered a collection 'Tiritaye' [my heartbeat], selling 30,000 duplicates. He started singing when he was a young man, a grade five understudy. Esubalew, who has north of 4,000,000 perspectives for his first video on YouTube, plunked down with Fasika Tadesse, Fortune Staff Writer, for an unrehearsed talk.


On his meeting with fortune magazine Artist Esubalew Yitayew said I don't consistently stare at the TV programs, or have a most loved channel. Be that as it may, at whatever point I stare at the TV, my first concern would be a news channel. It is on the grounds that I generally need to stay aware of current undertakings; thus, I watch news from any news source.

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